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Marina W.

Flagge AT

824 unterrichtete Einheiten

20 € - 34 € pro Einheit




Über mich

Ich heiße Marina Wagner, ich liebe Musik, Tiere und Kinder, knüpfe gerne neue Kontakte und unterstütze gerne andere Menschen. In der Schule mochte ich gerne Psychologie, insbesondere im sozialen Zweig, Musik, aber auch Mathe, weshalb ich mich nun auch bei GoStudent angemeldet habe. Mir bereitet es stets große Freude anderen weiterhelfen zu können, zudem teile ich gerne meine Erfahrungen, um auch so oftmals Positives zu bewirken. Ich bin stets offen für Neues und neue Leute und stecke gerne meine Energie und Zeit dafür hinein, um anderen behilflich zu sein und ihnen bei ihrer Weiterentwicklung beiseite zu stehen. Nach der Volksschule habe ich 1 1/2 Jahre eine NMS besucht. Ich habe danach allerdings auf ein Bundesrealgymnasium gewechselt. Nachdem ich dort 6 1/2 Jahre zur Schule gegangen bin...



Wähle Datum und Uhrzeit für deine 30-minütige Probeeinheit

14/03/25 - 20/03/25


































6 Buchungen in der letzten Woche

Lebenslauf. Mehr über Marina


Unterrichtet folgende Niveaus






Gymnasium Oberstufe


Spricht folgende Sprachen




Höchster Bildungsabschluss



Marina W.

Flagge AT

30-minütige Probeeinheit

6 Buchungen in der letzten Woche

+3 Jahre Erfahrung als GoStudent-Nachhilfelehrkraft

Andere Nachhilfelehrkräfte, die dir gefallen könnten


Cheran M.

Levels and Subject you Teach Lower Level: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry GCSE: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, General Mathematics Exam and Board Experience: Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Passer Languages: English and Filipino SEND (Special Education Needs and Disability) Experience: I don't have any experience in handling students with special needs, but I have experience in handling Alternative Learning Students (ALS) and Open High School Students (OHSP). Both students are out of school youth due to family problem, early pregnancy, health issues, financially unstable and etc. Preferred Student Age Group: I prefer students from Primary and Secondary Level. About you: I am teacher Cheran. I am a Mathematics Teacher for 19 years. % years from private school wherein I taught Algebra and Geometry and 14 years in public school wherein I handled different year levels. I am a passionate, hardworking and flexible teacher. During my free time, I love watching volleyball and basketball. I want to watch horror and suspense movies too. I also love singing and dancing. It is one of my dreams to travel around the world and see the beauty of nature. Currently, I'd been teaching Grade 8 students and at the same time the math trainer of our school. Teaching is quite a challenging but fulfilling job. I love to see my students reach their full potentials and achieve their goals. It is very heart-wrenching knowing that your work shapes and contributes to the future of the learners. I think my experience would be enough to handle different learners. If you enroll in my class, I will assure you that you will learn while having fun. So what are you waiting for, book a lesson with me now. I Graduated from Philippine Normal University where I took up Bachelor of Science in Mathematics for Teachers. I also had 39 units in masteral at the same school but unfortunately, I was not able to finish it because of giving birth to my first born. I was also qualified to took up special courses like the Spanish class and I finish until level 7. After my graduation, I already took Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and fortunately, I was able to pass it. My first experience in teaching was in private school wherein I taught Algebra and Geometry. My stay there was so remarkable because it helped me a lot in terms classroom management, teaching styles, and the experience I needed to be a better teacher in the Future. Currently, I am a Junior High School Math Teacher and Mathematics Trainer in a Public School. I started being the mathematics trainer just last year, and fortunately with the help and guidance of our Lord we ranked 1st in our division area sectoral. I considered it as one of my big accomplishments because, being a trainer is not that easy. You need to exert extra effort and time to feed the necessary knowledge that your students needed. You need to research different questions that will help your students to be prepared in the contest. It is very heart-wrenching knowing that you are part of the success of your students and your school. I am also a trainer of tower of Hanoi. A contest that helps your student to think critically. I also handled Open High School Students in our school, where majority of my students were out of school youth due to family problem, early pregnancy, financially unstable and working students. With my experience in handling them for 6 years, I must say, I learned to be more open-minded and considerate with my students. To give extra effort to help them finish their studies. To let them feel that they are not alone, and they have a support system not just a teacher. Being a teacher, you need not only to be intellectually literate but also emotionally literate. You need to be ready all the time and, in every situation.

20 € - 34 € /Einheit

Elijah Venn V.

Hi, I’m Elijah, and I’m passionate about making learning both enjoyable and rewarding. I love breaking down complex concepts in math and English into simple, easy-to-understand steps, helping students build confidence and a strong foundation. My approach is to make both subjects relatable, so they feel less like a challenge and more like a fun puzzle to solve. I believe that everyone can excel when given the right tools and support. By creating a friendly and encouraging environment, I help students not only improve their skills but also develop a genuine interest in both Math and English. Together, we’ll explore new concepts, build problem-solving abilities, and celebrate every achievement along the way! I hold a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in University of Pangasinan and am working toward my professional license. My studies have provided me with a strong foundation in both mathematics and English, and I’ve seen how skills in one area can enhance understanding in the other. My background in engineering has helped me develop problem-solving skills that I apply in tutoring math, making complex concepts easier to grasp. I help students build confidence and skills in both math and English, enabling them to tackle challenges with clarity. In a supportive environment, I encourage questions, growth at their own pace, and the discovery of connections in their learning.

20 € - 34 € /Einheit

Stefanie F.





Hallo! Mein Name ist Stefanie und ich bin 25 Jahre alt. Ich habe meinen Master in Technischer Chemie abgeschlossen und habe bereits früher neben der Schule Nachhilfe gegeben. Während meiner Schulzeit war ich Leistungssportlerin und mache daher in meiner Freizeit noch immer sehr gerne Sport. Wenn ich nicht im Labor stehe oder auf der Uni bin, lese ich auch gern ein gutes Buch oder verreise. Neben dem Studium trainiere ich Kinder und würde mich generell als einen sehr geduldigen, aufgeschlossenen und begeisterungsfähigen Menschen beschreiben. Ich war auf einem humanistischen Gymnasium, in dem ich viel Englisch aber auch Französisch und Latein hatte. Momentan studiere ich technische Chemie im Master und habe mittlerweile eine große Vorliebe für Naturwissenschaften, insbesondere der Chemie, entwickelt. Ich habe bereits in meiner Schulzeit begonnen Nachhilfe zu geben und seitdem eine große Freude daran Fortschritte beim Lernen mitzugestalten.

20 € - 34 € /Einheit

Emily M.

Hi! Ich bin Emmy, bin 18 Jahre alt und bin gerade auf Reisen... Ich habe vor kurzem meine Matura gemacht und würde gerne meine Zeit jetz dafür nutzen Schülern, die Hilfe in Französisch brauchen, zu helfen... In meiner Freizeit bin ich gerne draußen in der Natur, gehe Schwimmen oder spazieren. Ich liebe gutes Essen, Kochen und ganz viel Reisen :) Ich habe die Matura (AHS) vor kurzem gemacht. Ich war 8 Jahre in diesem Gymnasium und habe parallel lange Französisch Nachhilfe gegeben. Mir hat es immer Spaß gemacht mein Wissen zu teilen und die Erfolge meiner Nachhilfeschüler miterleben zu dürfen.

20 € - 34 € /Einheit

30-minütige Probeeinheit

6 Buchungen in der letzten Woche

+3 Jahre Erfahrung als GoStudent-Nachhilfelehrkraft