(14.497 reviews)
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1 Art History tutors available
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How does 1:1 video tutoring work?
Mrs Yasmin Fazilat
The tutor was very engaging and asked me in every session what I would like to do for the session. Was well knowledgeable on how to answer exam questions and praised/encouraged me to whenever I answered a question well.
Delsaline is amazing. I have learned so much with her. She is very organized and knowledgeable and is a natural teacher.
Maria Giovanna
I work for the company as a teacher and I really like how the platform works. I started 3 days ago and I already have a ton of students!
The Go Student establishment is a brilliant setup with a high quality Service and well trained professional teacher. My teacher Emilia for the Russian Language is one of the best i came across. As a former teacher in a New york univercity i would recommend her highly
By subjects
How affordable is private Art History tuition?
The cost of private Art History tuition can be as low as £21.99. The price of each individual lesson is dependent on how long your child would like tuition support and how many lessons they take per week. The more they learn, the lower the price of each lesson! Why not book a free trial session for you and your child to see how we can help?
As well as Art History, does GoStudent offer private tuition in other subjects?
GoStudent can help give your child support with private Art History tuition as well as offering tuition for 40+ subjects. Select from a range of subjects including English, Chemistry, Maths. Your child isn't tied into one subject with GoStudent. Maybe your child needs support with Art History now but as their needs change we can also offer tuition across different subjects.
How can your child benefit from private Art History tuition?
The main reason that parents often start to look for a Art History tutor is to improve their child’s academic performance. It’s needless to say that tutoring will prepare your child for important Art History exams and tests and address specific problem areas that they might have in a particular subject. Your child’s grades and understanding of Art History will improve when working with a tutor, but there are other benefits you might consider when deciding whether to opt for private Art History tutoring. Tutoring encourages self-directed learning. This means that your child will learn to take the initiative in their schoolwork with the result that they will feel less overwhelmed or frustrated with school and more in control of their own learning. They will also learn study skills that will help them in life when it comes to university and beyond. Whether it’s learning to overcome obstacles in their studies, losing the fear of asking questions or even working on their social skills. Sign up for a free trial lesson to discover the benefits of tutoring for yourself.
Can my child take private Art History tuition online?
With GoStudent your child can get private tuition online from one of our Art History tutors. Online tuition is a great option for you and your child, meaning you don't have to take your child to a class or cover the cost of a tutor to come to your home. Why not see how private tuition can work for you and your child by booking a free trial lesson.