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Get exam ready with GoStudent's Geography tutors

Personalised online support with Geography tutoring from GoStudent. Find your ideal tutor match today.


(14.497 reviews)


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52 Geography tutors available

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Josh T.

€19 - 27 /class

Josh T.

New tutor

Hi, my name is Josh and I’m 20 years old. I study Geography with Business at the University of Nottingham. I love sport, particularly football and tennis. My favourite team is Manchester United and my favourite players are Cristiano Ronaldo and Rafael Nadal!

€19 - 27 /class

Verified tutors

All tutors are interviewed by GoStudent and have completed a thorough screening and verification background.

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Jad Z.

€19 - 27 /class

Jad Z.

New tutor

"Passionate about teaching and avid learner , I bring a unique blend of expertise with my background in veterinary medicine, biology, and neuroscience. Coupled with strong language skills, I strive to make complex concepts accessible and engaging for every student."

€19 - 27 /class

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Verified tutors

All tutors are interviewed by GoStudent and have completed a thorough screening and verification background.

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How does 1:1 video tutoring work?

What our Geography students say



I was looking for math teacher for my son.I was looking for person which my son like and understand. RMC is the best.My son really like math now.His understanding of math was.improved.Thank you so much.



Mara is so helpful and friendly, she will go over things so that I get to understand them. Mara has really helped me me and would recommend her.


Elisabeta Akakca

Angela is amazing, she is an extremely knowledgeable instructor, and very helpful. My daughter loves her and progressed a lot due to her help. Angela made her feel so confident and what my daughter really loved about her was not only her expertise, but also her social communication which is absolutely amazing! Thank you Angela!



Initial issues with the app but worked through them with instant support from Alex whilst the quality of the lessons have been spot on with really knowledgeable and relatable tutors.

Answering student's questions about online Geography lessons

How much does private Geography tuition cost?

Prices for private Geography tuition can be as low as £21.99. The cost of each individual lesson will depend on how many lessons your child takes per week and how long they would like tuition for. Book a free trial session to see how affordable private Geography tutoring can be with GoStudent.

As well as Geography, does GoStudent offer private tuition in other subjects?

GoStudent can help give your child support with private Geography tuition as well as offering tuition for 40+ subjects. Select from a range of subjects including English, Italian, History. Your child isn't tied into one subject with GoStudent. Maybe your child needs support with Geography now but as their needs change we can also offer tuition across different subjects.

What are the benefits of private Geography tutoring for your child?

There are many reasons why parents decide to hire a private Geography tutor. Some parents fear that they don’t have the knowledge to help their children with their Geography homework or exam preparation. Others might not have the time to sit with children and work through homework. Our Geography tutors can take away this stress by helping your child consolidate what they have been learning in school, working through their homework with them and building their confidence ahead of their exams. You can rest easy knowing that our tutors are experts in Geography and have the knowledge and teaching abilities to not only spark your child’s interest in the subject but also foster a lifelong love of learning. Discover how your child can take advantage of these benefits by booking a free trial lesson.

Can my child take private Geography tuition online?

With GoStudent your child can get private tuition online from one of our Geography tutors. Online tuition is a great option for you and your child, meaning you don't have to take your child to a class or cover the cost of a tutor to come to your home. Why not see how private tuition can work for you and your child by booking a free trial lesson.

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