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Gain confidence and improve grades with online Greek tutoring

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(14.497 reviews)


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1 Greek tutors available

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Gabriella H.



€19 - 27 /class

Gabriella H.

New tutor

Teaching you or your children is my passion. Achieving your full potential, my main target. I believe in your singularity as an individual and the reason I adapt my classes to you, and not the opposite. Full interaction is key to engage you and make you reach your full potential. Having worked with multiple year groups in primary, SEN and tutoring classes proved to me that my students and I feel more comfortable when we work together. I grew up speaking 3 languages, therefore I found it easier to pick up more languages as I already had an ear for it. This led me to study all languages at A-Level before I decided to study my bachelor's degree in music. As you can see my passions lie in various subjects so let's meet and see how we can work together.

€19 - 27 /class



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What our Greek students say


Amber Shah Shah

My daughter is very happy and satisfied with her teacher the way she teach is so good.👍Victoria is a excellent teacher.


Piia Sirel

Davy is always kind, reliable and flexible teacher. He has helped our son to gain confidence in Math. We are very happy with him!


Lisette Ramirez

Mrs. Griffiths has been very flexible about times for the bookings and proactive, she has taken on board our suggestions to give our child visual information.


Christina Dimitrouli

I started Russian lessons 2 months ago and I am very happy!!! I am very satisfied with my teacher because he is communicative, honest and always help me with every difficulty .

Answering student's questions about online Greek lessons

How much does private Greek tuition cost?

Prices for private Greek tuition can be as low as £21.99. The cost of each individual lesson will depend on how many lessons your child takes per week and how long they would like tuition for. Book a free trial session to see how affordable private Greek tutoring can be with GoStudent.

Does GoStudent offer private tuition in subjects other than Greek?

As well as private Greek tuition, GoStudent can help your child with 40+ other subjects. Pick from many subjects including Italian, Geography, Spanish. And with GoStudent your child isn't tied into one subject. If they are taking Greek tuition but then need support with a different subject, we can help them get that support with a specialist tutor for that subject.

How can your child benefit from private Greek tuition?

The main reason that parents often start to look for a Greek tutor is to improve their child’s academic performance. It’s needless to say that tutoring will prepare your child for important Greek exams and tests and address specific problem areas that they might have in a particular subject. Your child’s grades and understanding of Greek will improve when working with a tutor, but there are other benefits you might consider when deciding whether to opt for private Greek tutoring. Tutoring encourages self-directed learning. This means that your child will learn to take the initiative in their schoolwork with the result that they will feel less overwhelmed or frustrated with school and more in control of their own learning. They will also learn study skills that will help them in life when it comes to university and beyond. Whether it’s learning to overcome obstacles in their studies, losing the fear of asking questions or even working on their social skills. Sign up for a free trial lesson to discover the benefits of tutoring for yourself.

Can my child take private Greek tuition online?

With GoStudent your child can get private tuition online from one of our Greek tutors. Online tuition is a great option for you and your child, meaning you don't have to take your child to a class or cover the cost of a tutor to come to your home. Why not see how private tuition can work for you and your child by booking a free trial lesson.

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