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History tutors offering personalised one-to-one online tutoring

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110 History tutors available

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What our History students say



She’s understands my sons educational needs. She’s able to change up the way he taught in order to keep his attention and keep him focused. He finds the tutoring sessions enjoyable and not frustrating. With his first 2 sessions he was already grasping fundamentals that made a difference in class. I would greatly recommend my sons tutor.


Maliqua Wicheard

My 14 Yr old daughter was really struggling with Maths. Georgia is her tutor and she recently got a 9 in her exam. My daughter is so much more confident in maths now and jumping from a grade 5 to a grade 9 is incredible. Georgia is in contact at any point and is happy to cover whatever aspect of Maths that my daughter needs. Georgia is a perfect match for my daughter and they get on really well. Best money I have spent



NAJIB and the whole GoStudent package were an excellent academic and emotional support at the time my son needed it and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him and them to anyone who needed that extra help.


Turan Bilgin

Miss Parishad can easly understand which way you want to learn and adapt herself and customize the lesson according to you. Sometimes we go by books, sometimes we just talk about real life topics, such as stray dog problem, challenges of raising kids etc. I feel very lucky to meet with her.

Answering student's questions about online History lessons

Is private History tuition affordable?

Your child can get History tuition for as low as £21.99 per session. The price of each private tuition session depends on how regularly and for how long your child takes tuition with us. Book a free trial session with us and you can find out how affordable private tuition with GoStudent can be for you.

How can private History tuition in help your child?

GoStudent History tutoring can benefit students of all ages. Whether your child is working towards better grades, improving their confidence in History at school, GoStudent can find the right tutor for your child to get the most out of school. We do this by finding the perfect match between students and tutors. We take the time to ensure a good match between our pool of History tutors and your child’s personality, learning habits and hobbies. Our History tutors always try to find innovative ways of teaching to pique your child’s interests, including using videos, computer games or music depending on their learning style. We offer a highly individualised and personalised service, meaning that every child gets the right History tutor for them, based on their specific needs and learning style. Find out how your child can take advantage of these benefits by booking a free trial lesson.

What are the benefits of taking online History tuition?

Private online tutoring is one of the great benefits of getting tuition from GoStudent. We offer online tuition from one of our History tutors. Online tuition is a great option for you and your child, meaning you don't have to take your child to a class or cover the cost of a tutor to come to your home. Why not see how private tuition can work for you and your child by booking a free trial lesson.

What other subjects can GoStudent help with other than History?

We can help your child support with private History tutoring as well as offering tuition for 40+ subjects. Choose from a whole host of subjects including Physics, Latin, Italian. Your child can learn more than one subject with GoStudent. Your child may need support with maths at the moment but as these needs change we can also offer tuition across different subjects.

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