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Gain confidence and improve grades with online Latin tutoring

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1 Latin tutors available

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Serena C.



€19 - 27 /class

Serena C.

New tutor

GCSE: Ancient Greek, Ancient History, Classical Civilisation, Italian, Latin A-Level: Italian University Level: Italian Exam board exp: AQA/Cambridge International/Edexcel/Eduqas/OCR/Common Entrance Examinations Experience with: 13+ (Latin and Ancient Greek) Other Languages: Italian Preferred student age group: Any About me: I've always been an avid reader and eager to learn new languages. But it's during my time at Manchester that, thanks to my amazing lecturers, I got passionate about teaching and I decided to become a tutor. Apart from languages and literature, I love screenwriting, reading, playing volleyball and tennis.

€19 - 27 /class



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What our Latin students say


Jenny Rotterdam

This is a very serious and professional org. My child has been studying here for almost 6 months now and we are very happy with it 😊


Dr Maria Sepulveda

Ruqayyah has been my son’s A level psychology tutor for the last year. She is clear and patient. Also she is proactive for booking sessions and very flexible.


Shona Judge

I took up GoStudent for my son as was thrown into learning Irish after we moved at the age of 11. He was so upset at not understanding what was going on in class, he had missed all the basics, and his class was so far ahead of him that he used to come home in tears. The setup was easy, the tutor is extremely nice and within 4 months I have seen an incredibly marked improvement, not only in his work but also his confidence in tackling it. He now can complete his homework on his own which is important as I don't speak any Gaelic myself. I think online tutoring is also extremely time efficient, not only for me but for the tutors who dont have to factor travel into their prices or time. GoStudent isnt just value for money.... it it in fact... priceless!



Anthony Mandenakis, is very professional and gives a very engaging lesson every time without fail! My daughter is thriving and we owe it to him.

The benefits of Latin tutoring

Latin tutoring to improve grades and self-confidence

Much of the English language – including many grammatical rules - stem from Latin, as do many words in Spanish, French, Italian, Portguese and Romanian. In fact, a strong foundation in Latin is a great advantage when it comes to learning these languages.

Latin can also improve English language skills by expanding vocabulary. It can help with deciphering often complex words or phrases used in law and medicine, as many have Latin roots. You’re likely to find yourself speaking, writing and reading with confidence across all academic subjects once you’ve mastered Latin.

Latin is not difficult to learn but can be challenging in a classroom setting, where teachers don’t have time to repeat information that hasn’t been understood.

A GoStudent Latin tutor can help with homework and explain difficult concepts thoroughly. They can also help with exam preparation by going through previous test papers, building confidence and ensuring better results.

Latin tuition for primary school

Latin is being taught in an increasing number of primary schools across the country, and has cross-curricular connections to history, design and technology, science, geography, art, English, and modern foreign languages.

For many years, it was assumed that Latin was better suited to higher-ability students, but new research shows that it has a positive influence on the reading skills of children who are performing below age-related expectations.

Latin provides a framework within which less able students (as well as students learning English as a second language) can gain a better understanding of how languages work.

At GoStudent, Latin tutoring can be combined with the primary history curriculum covering the Greeks and Romans, helping to foster a love of history at the same time.

Latin exam preparation and revision

Preparing for exams can be very stressful for students and procrastination is common. While this is the case for all subjects, it can especially apply to academic ones like Latin, which many people struggle with.

If your child is getting ready to sit one of these important exams, now is the right time to get started with one of our friendly and professional tutors.

Whether it is a GCSE or A level in England or Wales, a Leaving Cert in Ireland and Northern Ireland or the National 3,4,5 Higher or Advanced Higher in Scotland, we have a tutor who knows the curriculum well.

If time is tight, a Latin tutor can help your child quickly learn and internalize the essentials so that they can go to their exam as stress-free as possible and perform to the best of their ability.

Answering student's questions about online Latin lessons

Is private Latin tuition affordable?

Your child can get Latin tuition for as low as £21.99 per session. The price of each private tuition session depends on how regularly and for how long your child takes tuition with us. Book a free trial session with us and you can find out how affordable private tuition with GoStudent can be for you.

Does GoStudent offer private tuition in subjects other than Latin?

As well as private Latin tuition, GoStudent can help your child with 40+ other subjects. Pick from many subjects including German, Law, Biology. And with GoStudent your child isn't tied into one subject. If they are taking Latin tuition but then need support with a different subject, we can help them get that support with a specialist tutor for that subject.

How can private Latin tuition in help your child?

GoStudent Latin tutoring can benefit students of all ages. Whether your child is working towards better grades, improving their confidence in Latin at school, GoStudent can find the right tutor for your child to get the most out of school. We do this by finding the perfect match between students and tutors. We take the time to ensure a good match between our pool of Latin tutors and your child’s personality, learning habits and hobbies. Our Latin tutors always try to find innovative ways of teaching to pique your child’s interests, including using videos, computer games or music depending on their learning style. We offer a highly individualised and personalised service, meaning that every child gets the right Latin tutor for them, based on their specific needs and learning style. Find out how your child can take advantage of these benefits by booking a free trial lesson.

How can my child benefit from online Latin tuition?

Online tuition is a great option for many families. The GoStudent platform allows Latin tutors and students to connect easily online. The Latin tutors use online whiteboard and interactive lesson plans alongside easy to share materials in order to bring the Latin lessons alive. Book a free trial lesson with GoStudent and find out more about how private online tutoring can work for you.

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