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Vanesa Nadia N.

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19 € - 30 € a lezione




Chi sono

Mi chiamo Vanesa, sono nata in Argentina, ho 39 anni. Vivo a Buenos Aires e discendo da una famiglia italiana. Mi piace davvero studiare e imparare cose nuove. Mi piacerebbe poterti insegnare lo spagonolo, che é una lingua meravigliosa!! E poi parli perfettamente lo spagnolo. SONO MADRELINGUA SPAGNOLA, HO STUDIATO ALLA SCUOLA LA SALLE FLORIDA E MI SONO LAUREATA NEL 2003. ATTUALMENTE STO STUDIANDO UNA LAUREA ALLA KENNEDY UNIVERSITY. DONO LEZIONI PRIVATE A BUENOS AIRES,ARGENTINA. A BAMBINI E ADULTI, CHE VOGLIONO IMPARARE LA LINGUA SPAGNOLA.


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12/03/25 - 18/03/25


































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Vanesa Nadia N.

bandiera IT

Lezione di prova di 30 minuti

Altri tutor che potrebbero piacerti

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Arcel L.

My name is Arcel, and I’m 29 years old. I'm a Math teacher but I can also teach Science (Biology & Chemistry) and Sociology. I like also playing basketball and guitar—two activities that allow me to express myself creatively and stay active. Whether it’s on the basketball court or playing my favorite songs, I enjoy the challenge and the connections these hobbies bring. I graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education, Majoring in Mathematics (BSED-Math), and I’m currently pursuing my Master’s in Teaching Mathematics. My journey in education is driven by my passion for mathematics and my desire to help students see the beauty in the subject. Teaching is something I’m deeply committed to, and I believe that with patience and the right approach, I can inspire students to develop a love for learning. In terms of character, I would describe myself as persistent and disciplined. I try to approach challenges with a positive attitude and always look for ways to grow, both personally and professionally. I value hard work, teamwork, and the idea of never giving up, whether it's in sports or academics. I believe that helping others and being a reliable friend and teacher are some of the most important things I can offer. I strive to be someone who encourages those around me to do their best and reach their full potential. I graduated with a Bachelor of Secondary Education, majoring in Mathematics (BSED-Math) from Northern Mindanao Colleges Inc. in April 2016. Shortly after, I successfully passed the licensure examination for teachers in September 2016. Currently, I am furthering my education by pursuing a Master’s degree in Teaching Mathematics. My passion for mathematics and my dedication to education drive me to help students discover the beauty and relevance of the subject. Teaching is a profession I am deeply committed to, as I believe it is through education that I can make a lasting impact on students' lives. My goal as an educator is not only to help students master mathematical concepts but also to inspire them to develop a genuine interest in the subject. I understand that many students find math challenging, which is why I believe that patience and the right approach are key to helping them overcome obstacles. With a supportive learning environment, students can build confidence and come to appreciate math as a tool for critical thinking and problem-solving. As I continue my graduate studies, I am gaining deeper insights into effective teaching strategies and educational research, which will further enhance my ability to connect with students. I am passionate about creating a classroom atmosphere that fosters active learning, encourages curiosity, and promotes a love for learning. By tailoring my teaching methods to suit diverse learning styles, I strive to ensure that every student feels supported and motivated to succeed. Ultimately, my mission as a teacher is to empower students, helping them not only succeed in mathematics but also appreciate its value in everyday life. I am excited to continue growing in my field and inspire future generations of learners.

19 € - 30 € /lezione
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Davide S.

Sono un appassionato di scienze e natura, soprattutto la biologia. Mi affascina anche gli aspetti matematici dei fenomeni naturali. Ho ballato per anni HipHop fin dalle elementari e ho continuato fino ai 18 anni. Amo la musica e ascoltare le storie delle persone. Ho frequentato un liceo scientifico dell'ordine scienze applicate, per poi frequentare il corso di studi di scienze biologiche all'Università del Piemonte Orientale di Vercelli, dove mi sono laureato con 105/110. In questi anni ho dato ripetizioni a ragazzi sia delle medie sia del liceo, soprattutto in matematica e scienze, oltre ad aver lavorato come docente di scienze per un periodo con alcune classi del liceo, tra cui anche quinte, nelle quali erano presenti anche ragazzi con DSA.

19 € - 30 € /lezione
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Beatrice V.





Sono laureata in Filologia Classica magistrale e ho da sempre una grande passione per il greco antico e il latino. Mi piace molto insegnare e stare a contatto con i ragazzi. Sono 8 anni che do regolarmente ripetizioni di latino e greco antico: il mio scopo è principalmente quello di trasmettere il metodo di studio adeguato a queste materie per rendere autonomi i miei studenti. Nel corso degli anni ho avuto modo di avere studenti dislessici, con problemi di lettura, ADHD e con problemi d'ansia. Sono brava a creare un ambiente di apprendimento sereno, dove tutti i ragazzi possono riuscire a esprimere al meglio il loro potenziale. Ho frequentato il Liceo Classico (2011-2016) e ho ottenuto il diploma con votazione 86/100. Mi sono laureata nella triennale in Lettere Antiche (2016-2019) con votazione 110 e Lode. Mi sono laureata nella magistrale in Filologia, tradizione e letteratura classica (2020-2023) con votazione 110 e Lode.

19 € - 30 € /lezione
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Justin D.

Hello! I'm Justin Dhavee, a dedicated and patient Math Teacher with a passion for making math both understandable and enjoyable. With a deep understanding of complex mathematical concepts and their practical applications in engineering, I'm here to help you succeed. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering, which has equipped me with extensive knowledge of mathematics. Along with it, I hold TEFL certificate. This background allows me to adjust and adapt to each student's unique learning style, ensuring that the material is not only easily understandable but also enjoyable to learn.

19 € - 30 € /lezione
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Lezione di prova di 30 minuti