Personalised tutoring with a 95% success rate

Tailored private lessons
For better grades and more confidence 
30+ subjects, all learning levels
Flexible, to suit any schedule
4 & 5-star reviews
Successfully improve

Top-quality tutors for every learning style

Find the ideal tutor based on your child’s level and learning goals

One-to-one lessons in all subjects

Every student learns differently - personalised tutoring in our interactive, virtual classroom can close any learning gap. Receive 50-minutes of undivided support from a tutor who tailors the lesson to suit a student’s learning style.

Achieve any learning goal

Students experience remarkable progress with our personalised tutoring. 3 in 4 improve by up to 3 grades, and 90% report more confidence in the classroom.

Only the best background-checked tutors

Only 8% of tutor applicants make it through our 5-step selection process. Love your lessons - or you can switch to another tutor for free.

Get tutoring for all ages and levels

Tutors are familiar with local schooling systems for more than 30 subjects, helping guide students from first to final year.

Most popular subjects

From maths to science and more - get tutoring support in 30+ subjects

Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3

Award-winning tutoring with these 3 easy steps

Book a trial

Share your learning needs to match with the ideal tutor, based on personality, learning level and goals.

Try for free

Join a free, non-binding trial lesson to try out tutoring. No card or commitment required.

Start learning

Book a customised lesson package to get started with a personalised plan to improve grades and confidence.

Research proves 3 in 4 students improve up to 3 grades with personalised tutoring

90% of students who improved their grades also grew in confidence.

Safe online learning

We maintain a secure learning environment to ensure students thrive
Secure payment process
No third party costs
Carefully selected and vetted tutors
Safe online learning platform
As seen in:

Frequently asked questions

Discover how to set up your GoStudent membership, find a tutor, and sign your child up for lessons
What is GoStudent?
Who are GoStudent’s lessons for?
Which subjects do your tutors cover?
Why choose online tutoring?
How can I book a lesson?
How much does a single lesson cost?

Want to become a tutor?

Learn how we select tutors, what qualifications are required, and up to how much you can earn.