Become an online tutor and join our global tutoring community
Enjoy flexible teaching hours and earn for every lesson as a part of our international tutor community
Enjoy a world of perks while tutoring
Tutoring with GoStudent is a unique and exciting experience

Tutor anytime, anywhere
Teach when and where you want and make the most of your tutoring flexibility. All you need is 50 minutes per lesson, a good internet connection, a quiet environment, and a love of tutoring!
Earn for every lesson
Benefit from regular tutoring income and enjoy the many perks of being a tutor. These include our Loyalty Bonus, where the more lessons you complete the more your hourly rate will increase.
We find the students for you
We identify the right tutor-student matches to make sure everyone enjoys the learning experience. You can secure regular lesson bookings in any of the 30+ subjects on offer. We’re always looking to cover new subjects too!
Long-lasting relationships
We encourage the development of long-lasting relationships between tutors and students to inspire a love of learning and ensure students reach their long-term goals.
Latest Tutor Jobs
We’re always aiming for good grades
Become a tutor in five simple steps
Anyone over 18 can apply to become a tutor. Previous experience is a plus, but not required.

Sign up as a tutor
Take five minutes to fill in a form and confirm your personal information to begin your sign-up process.
Take a subject quiz
Demonstrate your expertise by completing a quiz covering the subject or subjects you’d like to tutor.
Introduce yourself
Let’s get to know each other! You’ll be asked to submit an introductory video about yourself.
Get onboarded
Attend your onboarding with our dedicated Tutor Team, complete your self-study course and learn all you need to know about tutoring with us.
Start tutoring!
Welcome to our tutor community! Meet your students, schedule your lessons and start spreading the love of learning.
The tutors in numbers
Five star reviews
Families supported
As seen in:
Frequently asked questions
Discover how to set up your GoStudent membership, find a tutor, and sign your child up for lessons
What is GoStudent?
Who are GoStudent’s lessons for?
Which subjects do your tutors cover?
Why choose online tutoring?
How can I book a lesson?
How much does a single lesson cost?
Try one-to-one tutoring today
Our community of trusted tutors has been carefully selected to best support your child’s learning journey. Get a free trial lesson now.