Tutor Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) serves as a framework for ethical and professional behavior, outlining the responsibilities and expected conduct of tutors providing their tutoring services via the GoStudent Platform. Its primary objectives are to ensure the well-being and safety of students, and to mitigate the risks associated with inappropriate actions or allegations against tutors.

As a tutor, you hold a position of trust, authority, and influence. Your role might go beyond academic instruction and you likely serve as a mentor or role model to your students. Therefore, it is important that you exercise a high degree of care, integrity, and professionalism in all your interactions with students.

By registering on the GoStudent Platform, you affirm your commitment to uphold the principles and guidelines outlined in this Code of Conduct. Your adherence is not only expected but is crucial in maintaining the quality, safety, and reputation of the GoStudent platform.

General Conduct

  • Professional Appearance: GoStudent is a young and vibrant organization and we expect tutors to maintain a professional and friendly manner in all interactions, whether with students, parents, guardians, fellow tutors, or GoStudent staff.

  • Non-Discrimination: Maintain an inclusive environment where harassment or discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic is not tolerated.

  • Punctuality: Arrive on time for each tutoring session, ideally being prepared at least five minutes prior to the start of each session.

  • Appropriate Language: Use professional language and appropriate tone in all communications, avoiding slang and other forms of inappropriate speech.

  • Technical Requirements: Ensure your hardware and software are in good working condition. This includes a reliable internet connection and familiarity with the teaching features in GoClass (e.g. screen sharing, use of whiteboard). Please also familiarize yourself with the WebApp and the online scheduling tool.

  • Professional Setting: Create a conducive learning environment that is free from distractions. This includes eliminating background noise and ensuring the room is neat and organized.

  • Clear Communication: Keep an open channel of communication with GoStudent’s Tutor Team for coordination and support.

  • Constructive Feedback: Provide detailed and constructive feedback for both students and parents to foster improvement and maintain positive relationships.

  • Responsiveness: Reply to messages from Students, Parents, Guardians or GoStudent employees in a timely manner.

  • Scheduling: Keep your availability in the calendar up-to-date.

  • Student Welfare: Prioritize the well-being and safety of students, adhering to GoStudent’s Safeguarding Policy. Immediately report any safeguarding concerns to the Safety Officer.

  • Personal Information: All tutors are responsible for maintaining current and accurate records of their personal information as disclosed to GoStudent. This includes, but is not limited to, name, address, email address, and IBAN. Additionally, tutors must promptly notify GoStudent of any substantial changes in their personal circumstances that could impact their qualifications or suitability for tutoring. This extends to relevant criminal convictions or other legal matters affecting eligibility.

  • Resource Sharing: Utilize the subject-specific WhatsApp groups exclusively for their intended functions, such as sharing educational materials, locating substitute tutors, and sharing other resources that contribute to an enriching learning experience.

Unacceptable Behavior

  • Welfare: Neglect to report concerns or allegations about student welfare. Please refer to the Safeguarding Policy.

  • Boundaries: Do not meet students outside of scheduled sessions, whether online or in-person. Do not contact your students outside the designated communication channels like the Platform, GoClass, or GoChat, particularly if such contact is unrelated to tutoring.

  • Substances: Do not smoke, consume alcohol, or use illegal substances during or immediately before tutoring sessions.

  • Relationships: Do not cultivate inappropriate relationships with students, such as showing favoritism or exchanging gifts.

  • Promises: Avoid making unwarranted promises to students or their guardians.

  • Conduct: Do not engage in any form of abusive or sexually inappropriate behavior with or around students.

  • Privacy: Do not share personal contact details outside of what is mandated by GoStudent’s policies. Do not share confidential information about students, including academic performance or personal matters, without explicit consent to third parties.

  • Intimidation: Do not act in a manner that is intrusive, threatening, or could be perceived as such.

  • Respect: You may not belittle or patronize students, or make sarcastic, insensitive, or sexually suggestive comments.

  • Off-Platform: Tutors are strictly prohibited from offering or providing tutoring services to students outside of the GoStudent platform if those students were originally introduced or referred by GoStudent.

Compliance and Enforcement

Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct may result in removal from the GoStudent platform. Severe violations may be reported to the police and/or competent local authorities. All further legal actions remain explicitly reserved.
By registering on the GoStudent platform, you commit to uphold this Code of Conduct, ensuring that each student receives an education that is beneficial, safe, and respectful.
Thank you for your dedication to excellence, integrity, and the well-being of students. Together, we make the GoStudent ecosystem a premier platform for quality education.