95% of students progress with our 1-to-1 tutoring

We find you a top-quality tutor match
Personalised lessons are in our interactive virtual classroom
Flexible scheduling - learn at any time, from anywhere!
Our interactive classroom makes learning fun

See how GoStudent works

Our tutors focus on creating the perfect personalised learning experience, so students can focus on grade improvement

Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3

Get award-winning tutoring in 3 easy steps

Book a trial

Share your learning needs to match with the ideal tutor, based on personality, learning level and goals.

Try for free

Join a free, non-binding trial lesson to try out tutoring. No card or commitment required.

Start learning

Book a customised lesson package to get started with a personalised plan to improve grades and confidence.

How we set students up for success

Top-quality tutors: who adapt to your needs

Only 8% of tutors make it through our rigorous selection process. We guarantee tutors are able to adapt their teaching to suit each individual student’s personality and preferred approach. This tailored attention is proven to result in significant progress, with 93% of students experiencing improvement.

GoClass: our interactive virtual classroom

GoClass is designed to ensure every lesson is an engaging collaboration between the student and tutor, from beginning to end. There’s a digital whiteboard to visualise concepts, document sharing to set interactive exercises, and even an equation editor to work through tricky maths problems.

GoChat: simplifying lesson planning

Never miss a notification - stay in touch with your tutor, receive regular progress updates or plan your lesson schedule. You can also use GoChat to submit homework assignments or ask your tutor to prepare lesson topics based on your learning needs.

GoStudent Learning - interactive learning materials

Learn x2 faster with 1000s of fun, interactive learning materials, including quizzes and practice questions to support self-study and revision. Or use our AI-Tutor, Amelia, to get instant answers to questions you have about any subject on the curriculum. Access to GoStudent Learning costs just €14.90 per month, and your first month is free!

GoStudent in numbers

Families supported
4 & 5-star reviews
Successfully improve

Take lessons when and where you want

Our lesson packages are flexible, based on your learning goals and budget

Flexible enough for family life

Select multiple subjects and tutors for one student, or even share lesson credits with the whole family. If your plans change, your lesson schedule can too.

Personalised to suit your pocket

Tailor your package to find a length and lesson price that fits your needs. More lessons, more value - and even greater improvement!

Safe online learning

We maintain a secure learning environment to ensure students thrive
Secure payment process
No third party costs
Carefully selected and vetted tutors
Safe online learning platform

Frequently asked questions

Discover how to set up your GoStudent membership, find a tutor, and sign your child up for lessons
What is GoStudent?
Who are GoStudent’s lessons for?
Which subjects do your tutors cover?
Why choose online tutoring?
How can I book a lesson?
How much does a single lesson cost?

Want to become a tutor?

Learn how we select tutors, what qualifications are required, and up to how much you can earn.