Keep track of progress with Lesson Summaries
See how every lesson went - at a glance
Track progress and celebrate achievements
Keep an eye on assignments or homework tasks
Refresh your memory by listening back to lessons

Stay on top of goals, and never miss an assignment
Use Lesson Summaries to stay up to date
A lot happens in a 50-minute, personalised tutoring lesson! Lesson Summaries keep students, parents and tutors on the same page.
Automatically generated summaries provide instant feedback - recapping key topics covered, tracking lesson progress and reminding students of their next steps.

Review lessons at a glance
See the objective of the lesson and the main topics covered, as well as lesson feedback, a conclusion and next steps.
Measure progress towards goals
Learning consolidates over time. Goals and progress tracking ensures the positive impact of every lesson is clearly visible.
Keep track of resources and tasks
All the lesson resources and exercises are available, as well as homework tasks and materials.
Need a reminder? Listen again
Can’t remember how to work out that tricky maths problem, or pronounce that tongue twister? Listen back to your Tutor’s explanation with Lesson Audio.
Frequently asked questions
How do Lesson Summaries work?
Does everyone receive a Lesson Summary?
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