You've got 4 one-to-one tutoring lessons for free!

Congrats, you've earned 4 free lessons - that's worth £120 - to redeem over a month!

95% success rate - our students improve significantly
+23k vetted tutors - we will find your ideal tutor
+30 subjects taught to all ages and all levels
10 million families supported

If you're not happy with your tutor, we'll find a new one for you free of charge

95% of students improve with GoStudent*

*based on a survey of 1,628 UK/IRE parents and students conducted in March 2023

Good grades are just a tutor match away

Our 50 minute one-to-one lessons are personalised for each student

Carefully selected tutors

We select tutors through a multi-step interview process to make sure they are skilled and motivated enough to help unlock your child’s potential.

A virtual lesson space for all ages and levels

GoClass, our virtual lesson space, is packed with collaborative features including a digital whiteboard, document sharing, and lesson recordings.

Flexible learning anytime, anywhere

Set up and manage lessons from anywhere with easy booking, rescheduling and progress tracking features. Our Customer Care team is also available whenever you need a hand.

Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3

How to start your free month of 1:1 tutoring

Meet your Education Advisor

Sign up and an Education Advisor will get in touch to help your child start their learning journey with the right tutor.

Take a free trial lesson

Complete your free trial lesson to experience how flexibly you and your child can book, reschedule, and take lessons with experienced tutors.

Customise your membership

Book a customizable lesson package tailored to your child's long-term learning needs and enjoy three additional free lessons on our easy-to-use platform when you choose a membership of three months or more.

Safe online learning

We maintain a secure learning environment to ensure students thrive
Secure payment process
No third party costs
Carefully selected and vetted tutors
Safe online learning platform

Frequently asked questions

What is GoStudent?
Who are GoStudent’s lessons for?
Which subjects do your tutors cover?
Why choose online tutoring?
How does the free trial work?