Top-quality tutoring starting at £21.99 per lesson
50-minute, tailored private lessons
Booking more lessons means a lower price per lesson
Full access to our learning tools and technology

Families supported
4 & 5-star reviews
Successfully improve
Personalise your membership pricing
Tailor the cost by choosing a lesson frequency and membership duration: more lessons means a lower price per lesson
Examples of our popular membership prices
Set your own schedule to see how much you would pay per lesson. All examples assume a 12-month membership.
12 lessons / month x 12 months
4 lessons / month for 12 months
Calculate the lesson cost: select your ideal number of monthly lessons x 12 months
Everything included in one price
Receive full access to all of our benefits, whichever package you select

Personalised 1:1 lessons from top tutors
Every lesson gives students 50-minutes of undivided attention from a top-quality tutor.
Focused support in an engaging, interactive environment works: 93% of students successfully improve with our personalised tutoring.
Unlimited Dashboard access
Full access to our tools and technology: chat with your tutor, schedule lessons and access our virtual classroom, any time you like.
You can review lesson notes, revise learning materials, study your glossary or use the helpful equation editor.
Support, 7 days a week
Whether you prefer lessons in the morning, evening or on the weekend, we’ll have a tutor available for you.
Or if you just need a little support, our Success team is
on-hand to help.
GoStudent Learning - interactive learning materials

Learn x2 faster with 1000s of fun, interactive learning materials, including quizzes and practice questions to support self-study and revision.
Or use our AI-Tutor, Amelia, to get instant answers to questions you have about any subject on the curriculum.
Access to GoStudent Learning costs just £14.90 per month, and your first month is free!
Safe online learning
We maintain a secure learning environment to ensure students thrive
Secure payment process
No third party costs
Carefully selected and vetted tutors
Safe online learning platform
Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3
How to sign up for your membership
Book a trial
Share your learning needs to match with the ideal tutor, based on personality, learning level and goals.
Try for free
Join a free, non-binding trial lesson to try out tutoring.
No card or commitment required.
Start learning
Book a customised lesson package to get started with a personalised plan to improve grades and confidence.
We’re always aiming for good grades
Frequently asked questions
Discover how to set up your GoStudent membership, find a tutor, and sign your child up for lessons
What is GoStudent?
Who are GoStudent’s lessons for?
Which subjects do your tutors cover?
Why choose online tutoring?
How can I book a lesson?
How much does a single lesson cost?
Want to become a tutor?
Learn how we select tutors, what qualifications are required, and up to how much you can earn.