
I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics with a major in Actuarial Science, complemented by extensive experience in both teaching and practical applications of math. Since January 2000, I have excelled in tutoring a range of topics from primary math to advanced subjects like algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and statistics through face-to-face and online sessions. My career includes roles as a Game Mathematician and Slot Designer, where I crafted detailed mathematical models for slot games, audited and improved existing models, and enhanced player experiences. Additionally, my background as a Software Engineer and Actuarial Assistant has honed my skills in system maintenance and actuarial valuations. I also bring a wealth of certifications to the table, including Certified Computational Finance Analyst, TEFL, and various Microsoft and Google certifications, showcasing my expertise in finance, teaching, and technology. This diverse experience empowers me to apply mathematical principles effectively across various industries. Whether you're seeking to grasp complex mathematical concepts or looking for insights into practical applications, I offer a unique blend of skills and knowledge. Let’s work together to make math engaging and accessible!

Über Mich

Hello! I’m Ernan, and I am thrilled to bring over 20 years of hands-on experience in math tutoring to students at the Lower Level and GCSE stages. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics, I have honed my skills not just in the classroom but also as a game mathematician, where I infused mathematical principles into exciting game design and development projects. My deep-rooted passion for mathematics shines through in my teaching approach, which focuses on making complex concepts engaging and accessible. I excel in working with primary and GCSE age groups, and my fluency in English helps me connect seamlessly with students from diverse backgrounds. When I’m not immersed in teaching, you can find me enjoying my hobbies and spending quality time with my eight beloved dogs. Music is a significant part of my life; I love singing and playing both the guitar and piano, which I often incorporate into my teaching to make learning more enjoyable. My dedication to creating a supportive and dynamic learning environment extends beyond academics, ensuring that each student feels motivated and understood. Let’s work together to unlock the full potential of math and make learning an exciting journey!

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Unsere Nachhilfe findet in unserem virtuellen Klassenzimmer statt, wobei auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse eines jeden Schülers individuell eingegangen werden kann. Flexibilität und der Einsatz von digitalen Tools stehen hier vor allem im Vordergrund! Unsere Nachhilfelehrer finden für jeden Schüler die passende Lösung und Lernunterstützung.

Mit der Nachilfe bei GoStudent erlebt ihr keinen Frontalunterricht wie in der Schule. Auf eure Fragen wird individuell eingegangen, spielerisches Lernen und eine sympathische, angenehme Lernatmosphäre sind unseren Tutoren besonders wichtig. Erlebt eine Nachhilfe des besonderen Art!

In einem Erstgespräch mit unseren Tutoren wird auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Schüler näher eingegangen und anhand der Analyse der Lernschwächen ein Lernplan erstellt. Schritt-für-Schritt werden die Lernerfolge gefeiert und die Motivation unserer Tutoren kommt bei unserer Nachhilfe nicht zu kurz!

Unsere Schüler profitieren nicht nur von besseren Noten, sondern von gesteigerter Lernmotivation und Spaß am Lernen. Über die individuelle Lernhilfe wird ein neuen Selbstbewusstsein geschaffen!